Level 25 Alliance Guild, Argent Dawn. 681 members
Bøwjøb has joined Leveling and Questing (~6 years ago)
Scathor has joined Leveling and Questing (~6 years ago)
Michealele has joined Leveling and Questing (~6 years ago)
Alesiya has joined Leveling and Questing (~6 years ago)
Pinknwhite has joined Leveling and Questing (~6 years ago)
Eiliko has joined Leveling and Questing (~6 years ago)
Gozzna has joined Leveling and Questing (~6 years ago)
Dromuro has joined Leveling and Questing (~6 years ago)
Professzor has joined Leveling and Questing (~6 years ago)
Xxforehead has joined Leveling and Questing (~6 years ago)
Worgenocide has joined Leveling and Questing (~6 years ago)
Nihenaah has joined Leveling and Questing (~6 years ago)
Lequif has joined Leveling and Questing (~6 years ago)
Mummerz has joined Leveling and Questing (~6 years ago)
Hargad has joined Leveling and Questing (~6 years ago)
Dartos has joined Leveling and Questing (~6 years ago)
Skywräth has joined Leveling and Questing (~6 years ago)
Mimzzy has joined Leveling and Questing (~6 years ago)
Zatorhos has joined Leveling and Questing (~6 years ago)
Daveyth has joined Leveling and Questing (~6 years ago)
Serialbabser has joined Leveling and Questing (~6 years ago)
Ashanvil has joined Leveling and Questing (~6 years ago)
Zengzeng has joined Leveling and Questing (~6 years ago)
Shadiria has joined Leveling and Questing (~6 years ago)
Warzedlock has joined Leveling and Questing (~6 years ago)