Last updated 4 years ago.

Alliance of Tarsonis

achievements 1975

Level 25 Alliance Guild, Arthas. 278 members

Helifax has joined Alliance of Tarsonis (~4 years ago)

Woonsch has joined Alliance of Tarsonis (~4 years ago)

Namtilia has joined Alliance of Tarsonis (~4 years ago)

Sebassis has joined Alliance of Tarsonis (~4 years ago)

Alachias has joined Alliance of Tarsonis (~4 years ago)

Benigna has joined Alliance of Tarsonis (~4 years ago)

Brutam2571B9 has joined Alliance of Tarsonis (~4 years ago)

Tirrak has joined Alliance of Tarsonis (~4 years ago)

Körz has joined Alliance of Tarsonis (~4 years ago)

Ombrila has joined Alliance of Tarsonis (~4 years ago)

Wall has joined Alliance of Tarsonis (~4 years ago)

Nashe has joined Alliance of Tarsonis (~4 years ago)

Monkdi has joined Alliance of Tarsonis (~4 years ago)

Andygewehre has joined Alliance of Tarsonis (~4 years ago)

Watumba has joined Alliance of Tarsonis (~4 years ago)

Hctibtaf has joined Alliance of Tarsonis (~4 years ago)

Cruenta has joined Alliance of Tarsonis (~4 years ago)

Feá has joined Alliance of Tarsonis (~4 years ago)

Tiberiús has joined Alliance of Tarsonis (~4 years ago)

Namtilius has joined Alliance of Tarsonis (~4 years ago)

Siberia has joined Alliance of Tarsonis (~4 years ago)

Saduj has joined Alliance of Tarsonis (~4 years ago)

Numfar has joined Alliance of Tarsonis (~4 years ago)

Fushigi has joined Alliance of Tarsonis (~4 years ago)

Vincere has joined Alliance of Tarsonis (~4 years ago)