Level 25 Horde Guild, Bloodscalp. 940 members
Franke has joined The Furious Five (~9 years ago)
Tinki has joined The Furious Five (~9 years ago)
Hóvih has joined The Furious Five (~9 years ago)
Íwy has joined The Furious Five (~9 years ago)
Gyroshun has joined The Furious Five (~9 years ago)
Guriga has joined The Furious Five (~9 years ago)
Fanatacism has joined The Furious Five (~9 years ago)
Woodoodu has joined The Furious Five (~9 years ago)
Palapista has joined The Furious Five (~9 years ago)
Faîthless has joined The Furious Five (~9 years ago)
Belzemon has joined The Furious Five (~9 years ago)
Attidin has joined The Furious Five (~9 years ago)
Daniablo has joined The Furious Five (~9 years ago)
Pepszikóla has joined The Furious Five (~9 years ago)
Narancsdzsúz has joined The Furious Five (~9 years ago)
Boogeybull has joined The Furious Five (~9 years ago)
Nazragul has joined The Furious Five (~9 years ago)
Rabszolga has joined The Furious Five (~9 years ago)
Feelmysock has joined The Furious Five (~9 years ago)
Sorvadás has joined The Furious Five (~9 years ago)
Hardcow has joined The Furious Five (~9 years ago)
Asderman has joined The Furious Five (~9 years ago)
Frostnurse has joined The Furious Five (~9 years ago)
Catalunya has joined The Furious Five (~9 years ago)
Yosoycazador has joined The Furious Five (~9 years ago)