Last updated 7 years ago.

Midnight Waffles

achievements 765

Level 25 Horde Guild, Darksorrow. 92 members

Tegor obtained Widow's Kiss. 9 years ago
Tegor obtained Arachnaflame Treads. 9 years ago
Algor obtained Bladefang Belt of the Decimator. 9 years ago
Algor obtained Choker of Reciprocity. 9 years ago
Algor obtained Gossamer Felscorched Scarf. 9 years ago
Tegor obtained Wild Gladiator's Shoulderplates. 9 years ago
Algor obtained Ironpelt Jerkin. 9 years ago
Kimli obtained Voidsight Hood. 9 years ago
Veimlad obtained Decree of Demonic Sovereignty. 9 years ago
Tegor obtained Sigil of Dark Simulacrum. 9 years ago

Guild Master