Level 25 Horde Guild, Darksorrow. 87 members
Lucifêr has joined THÈ HORDÈ (~8 years ago)
Ðuzzit has left THÈ HORDÈ (~8 years ago)
Elfederale has left THÈ HORDÈ (~8 years ago)
Ezirja has left THÈ HORDÈ (~8 years ago)
Releaserage has left THÈ HORDÈ (~8 years ago)
Bøøtsthïëf has joined THÈ HORDÈ (~8 years ago)
Diermate has joined THÈ HORDÈ (~8 years ago)
Mystermafi has joined THÈ HORDÈ (~8 years ago)
Strumpet has joined THÈ HORDÈ (~8 years ago)
Releaserage has joined THÈ HORDÈ (~8 years ago)
Shánks has been promoted from rank 5 to rank 4 (~8 years ago)
Gonnablow has been promoted from rank 8 to rank 5 (~8 years ago)
Azzfable has been promoted from rank 5 to rank 4 (~8 years ago)
Jayzini has been demoted from rank 5 to rank 8 (~8 years ago)
Prettypony has left THÈ HORDÈ (~8 years ago)
Monstér has joined THÈ HORDÈ (~8 years ago)
Agtan has joined THÈ HORDÈ (~8 years ago)
Péak has joined THÈ HORDÈ (~8 years ago)
Zelouge has left THÈ HORDÈ (~8 years ago)
Derpscout has left THÈ HORDÈ (~8 years ago)
Hellmy has left THÈ HORDÈ (~8 years ago)
Bloodsiker has left THÈ HORDÈ (~8 years ago)
Fragmuwie has left THÈ HORDÈ (~8 years ago)
Csgoglobalop has left THÈ HORDÈ (~8 years ago)
Oktoberfest has left THÈ HORDÈ (~8 years ago)