Last updated 6 years ago.

The Scarlet Crusade

achievements 2695

Level 25 Horde Guild, Darksorrow. 732 members

Strugglé has left The Scarlet Crusade (~6 years ago)

Molg has left The Scarlet Crusade (~6 years ago)

Aggarma has left The Scarlet Crusade (~6 years ago)

Kaynna has left The Scarlet Crusade (~6 years ago)

Kairva has left The Scarlet Crusade (~6 years ago)

Octar has left The Scarlet Crusade (~6 years ago)

Pumppa has left The Scarlet Crusade (~6 years ago)

Minz has left The Scarlet Crusade (~6 years ago)

Urbanpoop has left The Scarlet Crusade (~6 years ago)

Bonebreakerx has left The Scarlet Crusade (~6 years ago)

Alleron has left The Scarlet Crusade (~6 years ago)

Keltirs has left The Scarlet Crusade (~6 years ago)

Docyo has left The Scarlet Crusade (~6 years ago)

Rief has left The Scarlet Crusade (~6 years ago)

Chojuro has left The Scarlet Crusade (~6 years ago)

Xeylon has joined The Scarlet Crusade (~6 years ago)

Alyve has joined The Scarlet Crusade (~6 years ago)

Maize has joined The Scarlet Crusade (~6 years ago)

Antifaith has left The Scarlet Crusade (~6 years ago)

Strömblad has left The Scarlet Crusade (~6 years ago)

Jannu has left The Scarlet Crusade (~6 years ago)

Humblebumble has left The Scarlet Crusade (~6 years ago)

Mixatkött has left The Scarlet Crusade (~6 years ago)

Summerflash has left The Scarlet Crusade (~6 years ago)

Kahrlia has left The Scarlet Crusade (~6 years ago)