Last updated 7 years ago.

Twisted Sorrow

achievements 280

Level 25 Horde Guild, Darksorrow. 2 members

Getknäkt has left Twisted Sorrow (~7 years ago)

Bradoka has left Twisted Sorrow (~7 years ago)

Pyro has left Twisted Sorrow (~7 years ago)

Mocinbird has left Twisted Sorrow (~7 years ago)

Trollroger has left Twisted Sorrow (~7 years ago)

Halodome has left Twisted Sorrow (~7 years ago)

Cadwano has left Twisted Sorrow (~8 years ago)

Kroya has left Twisted Sorrow (~8 years ago)

Bradóla has been promoted from rank 3 to rank 0 (~8 years ago)

Gallonjah has been demoted from rank 0 to rank 1 (~8 years ago)

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Kazin has left Twisted Sorrow (~8 years ago)

Hiroyuken has left Twisted Sorrow (~9 years ago)

Klyx has left Twisted Sorrow (~9 years ago)

Cyndir has left Twisted Sorrow (~9 years ago)

Legoo has joined Twisted Sorrow (~9 years ago)

Warhammerz has left Twisted Sorrow (~9 years ago)

Deadix has left Twisted Sorrow (~9 years ago)

Noitaa has left Twisted Sorrow (~9 years ago)

Firebear has left Twisted Sorrow (~9 years ago)

Malka has left Twisted Sorrow (~9 years ago)

Omnios has joined Twisted Sorrow (~9 years ago)

Darxol has joined Twisted Sorrow (~9 years ago)

Binnie has joined Twisted Sorrow (~9 years ago)

Janezjansha has joined Twisted Sorrow (~9 years ago)