Level 25 Horde Guild, Darkspear. 515 members
Freeak has joined The True Horde (~9 years ago)
Joeyjordison has joined The True Horde (~9 years ago)
Stealthblade has joined The True Horde (~9 years ago)
Lél has joined The True Horde (~9 years ago)
Báckup has joined The True Horde (~9 years ago)
Stormbeef has joined The True Horde (~9 years ago)
Sichschla has joined The True Horde (~9 years ago)
Nilon has joined The True Horde (~9 years ago)
Leones has joined The True Horde (~9 years ago)
Poor has joined The True Horde (~9 years ago)
Basttilla has joined The True Horde (~9 years ago)
Vimorainn has joined The True Horde (~9 years ago)
Jinnxx has joined The True Horde (~9 years ago)
Morgararth has joined The True Horde (~9 years ago)
Pewpewdead has joined The True Horde (~9 years ago)
Stickbyme has joined The True Horde (~9 years ago)
Monkatori has joined The True Horde (~9 years ago)
Terokk has joined The True Horde (~9 years ago)
Liqvor has joined The True Horde (~9 years ago)
Icyshot has joined The True Horde (~9 years ago)
Jushiro has joined The True Horde (~9 years ago)
Azurella has joined The True Horde (~9 years ago)
Pría has joined The True Horde (~9 years ago)
Sayila has joined The True Horde (~9 years ago)
Volkaz has joined The True Horde (~9 years ago)