Last updated 7 years ago.


achievements 415

Level 25 Horde Guild, Defias Brotherhood. 49 members

Arqueira obtained Ring of Twisted Webbing. 7 years ago
Rumil obtained Warden Band. 7 years ago
Zenvoz obtained Soulstarve Hood. 7 years ago
Cilutan obtained Chaos Talisman. 7 years ago
Alexcious obtained Satin Throatclutchers. 7 years ago
Moosefuggle obtained Gossamer-Spun Greatcloak. 7 years ago
Cilutan obtained Blightbile Waistband. 7 years ago
Beyir obtained Maddening Robe of Secrets. 7 years ago
Akihisa earned the achievement Level 110 for 10 points. 7 years ago
Hándjab obtained Repulsive Leathery Pants. 7 years ago

Guild Master