Level 25 Alliance Guild, Doomhammer. 517 members
Valthras has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~5 years ago)
Aragoth has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~5 years ago)
Bluto has joined Defenders of Bloodwatch (~5 years ago)
Namingishard has joined Defenders of Bloodwatch (~5 years ago)
Yelrameniale has joined Defenders of Bloodwatch (~5 years ago)
Azulei has joined Defenders of Bloodwatch (~5 years ago)
Petyusz has joined Defenders of Bloodwatch (~5 years ago)
Khurnos has joined Defenders of Bloodwatch (~5 years ago)
Junen has joined Defenders of Bloodwatch (~5 years ago)
Fizzlequik has joined Defenders of Bloodwatch (~5 years ago)
Likkaon has joined Defenders of Bloodwatch (~5 years ago)
Senias has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~5 years ago)
Palamaki has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~5 years ago)
Muramasa has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~5 years ago)
Preacie has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~5 years ago)
Tenanda has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~5 years ago)
Mâkë has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~5 years ago)
Wrain has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~5 years ago)
Cyph has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~5 years ago)
Smokedbacon has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~5 years ago)
Koppite has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~5 years ago)
Dragostea has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~5 years ago)
Rustslave has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~5 years ago)
Nordrel has joined Defenders of Bloodwatch (~5 years ago)
Zpaulz has joined Defenders of Bloodwatch (~5 years ago)