Level 25 Alliance Guild, Doomhammer. 517 members
Virginieta has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~6 years ago)
Wildone has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~6 years ago)
Skatar has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~6 years ago)
Enri has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~6 years ago)
Jinxylinxy has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~6 years ago)
Mageewt has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~6 years ago)
Sinisthra has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~6 years ago)
Mayliá has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~6 years ago)
Yameeka has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~6 years ago)
Hunterewtt has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~6 years ago)
Jayliá has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~6 years ago)
Tyrag has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~6 years ago)
Druidheal has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~6 years ago)
Varlington has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~6 years ago)
Glitches has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~6 years ago)
Florix has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~6 years ago)
Thored has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~6 years ago)
Lezia has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~6 years ago)
Miloszone has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~6 years ago)
Monkshaman has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~6 years ago)
Gabriell has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~6 years ago)
Bleedbiotch has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~6 years ago)
Pandater has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~6 years ago)
Shaíla has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~6 years ago)
Bieertje has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~6 years ago)