Level 25 Alliance Guild, Doomhammer. 517 members
Dariá has joined Defenders of Bloodwatch (~6 years ago)
Jontae has joined Defenders of Bloodwatch (~6 years ago)
Taelent has been promoted from rank 8 to rank 7 (~6 years ago)
Yuccà has joined Defenders of Bloodwatch (~6 years ago)
Akroho has joined Defenders of Bloodwatch (~6 years ago)
Regilia has been demoted from rank 6 to rank 8 (~6 years ago)
Paltae has been promoted from rank 8 to rank 7 (~6 years ago)
Alguti has joined Defenders of Bloodwatch (~6 years ago)
Titatovenaar has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~6 years ago)
Demonicpanda has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~7 years ago)
Wrizzelini has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~7 years ago)
Zéro has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~7 years ago)
Maiiya has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~7 years ago)
Silvestorm has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~7 years ago)
Philthy has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~7 years ago)
Arightwally has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~7 years ago)
Poötis has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~7 years ago)
Exterminus has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~7 years ago)
Qella has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~7 years ago)
Kogra has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~7 years ago)
Shawanda has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~7 years ago)
Áo has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~7 years ago)
Ironsoul has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~7 years ago)
Haisagil has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~7 years ago)
Gwillion has left Defenders of Bloodwatch (~7 years ago)