Last updated 8 years ago.

Old But Gold

achievements 655

Level 25 Horde Guild, Draenor. 121 members

Alsharin obtained Empowered Apexis Fragment. 8 years ago
Alsharin obtained Deckhand's Cord. 8 years ago
Alsharin obtained Ebonflame Robes. 8 years ago
Alsharin obtained Scorchburn Cloak. 8 years ago
Discombulate purchased item Empowered Apexis Fragment. 8 years ago
Discombulate crafted item Savage Taladite Amplifier. 8 years ago
Discombulate crafted item Mighty Taladite Amplifier. 8 years ago
Gastonn obtained Belt of Imminent Lies. 8 years ago
Taichii obtained Solium Band of Dexterity. 8 years ago

Guild Master