Level 25 Horde Guild, Draenor. 57 members
Boltazor has left The Legion of Doom (~5 years ago)
Raelix has left The Legion of Doom (~5 years ago)
Zerothedamed has left The Legion of Doom (~5 years ago)
Pandallia has left The Legion of Doom (~6 years ago)
Megahoof has left The Legion of Doom (~7 years ago)
Tótemfury has left The Legion of Doom (~8 years ago)
Bein has left The Legion of Doom (~8 years ago)
Tornasunder has left The Legion of Doom (~8 years ago)
Ceitzymonk has left The Legion of Doom (~8 years ago)
Wolfnomad has left The Legion of Doom (~8 years ago)
Alexess has left The Legion of Doom (~8 years ago)
Holythea has left The Legion of Doom (~8 years ago)
Twinbladé has left The Legion of Doom (~8 years ago)
Fristoo has left The Legion of Doom (~8 years ago)
Missoni has left The Legion of Doom (~8 years ago)
Catbugg has left The Legion of Doom (~8 years ago)
Alliagtor has left The Legion of Doom (~8 years ago)
Cowruid has left The Legion of Doom (~8 years ago)
Electronade has left The Legion of Doom (~8 years ago)
Allonis has left The Legion of Doom (~8 years ago)
Nematot has left The Legion of Doom (~8 years ago)
Loraris has left The Legion of Doom (~8 years ago)
Machoi has left The Legion of Doom (~8 years ago)
Zirixs has left The Legion of Doom (~8 years ago)
Bledulka has left The Legion of Doom (~8 years ago)