Level 25 Horde Guild, Draenor. 236 members
Gwyndólín has joined The Twisted Dragon Cult (~7 years ago)
Vendríck has joined The Twisted Dragon Cult (~7 years ago)
Tanarus has joined The Twisted Dragon Cult (~7 years ago)
Jarkor has joined The Twisted Dragon Cult (~7 years ago)
Vélstadt has joined The Twisted Dragon Cult (~7 years ago)
Jiffed has joined The Twisted Dragon Cult (~7 years ago)
Jiffay has joined The Twisted Dragon Cult (~7 years ago)
Aguilir has joined The Twisted Dragon Cult (~7 years ago)
Annesh has joined The Twisted Dragon Cult (~7 years ago)
Illorax has joined The Twisted Dragon Cult (~7 years ago)
Shamanyx has joined The Twisted Dragon Cult (~7 years ago)
Firefrostx has joined The Twisted Dragon Cult (~7 years ago)
Callixis has joined The Twisted Dragon Cult (~7 years ago)
Maía has joined The Twisted Dragon Cult (~7 years ago)
Shevak has joined The Twisted Dragon Cult (~7 years ago)
Fortitute has joined The Twisted Dragon Cult (~7 years ago)
Freshgrass has joined The Twisted Dragon Cult (~7 years ago)
Gøds has joined The Twisted Dragon Cult (~7 years ago)
Illodin has joined The Twisted Dragon Cult (~7 years ago)
Plastictree has joined The Twisted Dragon Cult (~7 years ago)
Faheatah has joined The Twisted Dragon Cult (~7 years ago)
Magewell has joined The Twisted Dragon Cult (~7 years ago)
Griym has joined The Twisted Dragon Cult (~7 years ago)
Galdoron has joined The Twisted Dragon Cult (~7 years ago)
Carrew has joined The Twisted Dragon Cult (~7 years ago)