Level 25 Horde Guild, Dragonblight. 243 members
Summerbeam has joined The Khalasar (~9 years ago)
Annariel has joined The Khalasar (~9 years ago)
Grizzlybbear has joined The Khalasar (~9 years ago)
Sneakymoves has joined The Khalasar (~9 years ago)
Kuanti has joined The Khalasar (~9 years ago)
Bilie has joined The Khalasar (~9 years ago)
Full has joined The Khalasar (~9 years ago)
Mfôfö has joined The Khalasar (~9 years ago)
Waarez has joined The Khalasar (~9 years ago)
Medal has joined The Khalasar (~9 years ago)
Desunee has joined The Khalasar (~9 years ago)
Clique has joined The Khalasar (~9 years ago)
Órbbs has joined The Khalasar (~9 years ago)
Oldirtycasta has joined The Khalasar (~9 years ago)
Annahya has joined The Khalasar (~9 years ago)
Chromian has joined The Khalasar (~9 years ago)
ßiokso has joined The Khalasar (~9 years ago)
Flidhais has joined The Khalasar (~9 years ago)
Amurru has joined The Khalasar (~9 years ago)
Lefeh has joined The Khalasar (~9 years ago)
Mendala has joined The Khalasar (~9 years ago)
Desune has joined The Khalasar (~9 years ago)
Ogga has joined The Khalasar (~9 years ago)
Rubmycritt has joined The Khalasar (~9 years ago)
Joerojin has joined The Khalasar (~9 years ago)