Level 25 Alliance Guild, Dragonblight. 715 members
Kall has joined The Wrath (~4 years ago)
Anaera has joined The Wrath (~4 years ago)
Valii has joined The Wrath (~4 years ago)
Glooms has joined The Wrath (~4 years ago)
Rynald has joined The Wrath (~4 years ago)
Dayanare has joined The Wrath (~4 years ago)
Gundla has joined The Wrath (~4 years ago)
Aseidith has joined The Wrath (~4 years ago)
Karsia has joined The Wrath (~4 years ago)
Willpower has joined The Wrath (~4 years ago)
Kebnekaise has joined The Wrath (~4 years ago)
Aarghh has joined The Wrath (~4 years ago)
Barakas has joined The Wrath (~4 years ago)
Astraphobic has joined The Wrath (~4 years ago)
Vallii has joined The Wrath (~4 years ago)
Valli has joined The Wrath (~4 years ago)
Kadina has joined The Wrath (~4 years ago)
Nanovi has joined The Wrath (~4 years ago)
Brother has joined The Wrath (~4 years ago)
Maximuspain has joined The Wrath (~4 years ago)
Jem has joined The Wrath (~4 years ago)
Bawnready has joined The Wrath (~4 years ago)
Keyenne has joined The Wrath (~4 years ago)