Level 25 Alliance Guild, Dun Modr. 937 members
Luzbel has left Singularity (~6 years ago)
Kâltâmönk has left Singularity (~6 years ago)
Kältä has left Singularity (~6 years ago)
Estirlon has left Singularity (~6 years ago)
Necrostirlan has left Singularity (~6 years ago)
Extirlon has left Singularity (~6 years ago)
Estirlan has left Singularity (~6 years ago)
Extirnon has left Singularity (~6 years ago)
Svett has joined Singularity (~6 years ago)
Pumsy has joined Singularity (~6 years ago)
Darksister has joined Singularity (~6 years ago)
Roxzber has joined Singularity (~6 years ago)
Huggtann has joined Singularity (~6 years ago)
Rutî has joined Singularity (~6 years ago)
Dæthmachine has joined Singularity (~6 years ago)
Omega has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 9 (~6 years ago)
Anotherx has been promoted from rank 9 to rank 7 (~6 years ago)
Hêfêstô has joined Singularity (~6 years ago)
Talsvaiken has joined Singularity (~6 years ago)
Numbahone has joined Singularity (~6 years ago)
Raykuz has been promoted from rank 9 to rank 7 (~6 years ago)
Homeya has joined Singularity (~6 years ago)
Gunsarc has left Singularity (~6 years ago)
Eikka has left Singularity (~6 years ago)
Lynmll has left Singularity (~6 years ago)