Level 25 Horde Guild, Emeriss. 803 members
Cørvus has left Cult of the Doomed (~4 years ago)
Prowakidx has joined Cult of the Doomed (~5 years ago)
Kylaki has left Cult of the Doomed (~5 years ago)
Rrari has left Cult of the Doomed (~5 years ago)
Drùnk has left Cult of the Doomed (~5 years ago)
Kotsibliafas has left Cult of the Doomed (~5 years ago)
Kyutoryu has left Cult of the Doomed (~5 years ago)
Latsamakos has left Cult of the Doomed (~5 years ago)
Steez has left Cult of the Doomed (~5 years ago)
Supikka has left Cult of the Doomed (~5 years ago)
Ineedhealing has left Cult of the Doomed (~5 years ago)
Doterino has left Cult of the Doomed (~5 years ago)
Bapsu has left Cult of the Doomed (~5 years ago)
Chaingrok has left Cult of the Doomed (~5 years ago)
Stefanqt has left Cult of the Doomed (~5 years ago)
Yeslamin has left Cult of the Doomed (~5 years ago)
Xblackdusa has left Cult of the Doomed (~5 years ago)
Säräh has left Cult of the Doomed (~5 years ago)
Buu has left Cult of the Doomed (~5 years ago)
Hadlathel has left Cult of the Doomed (~5 years ago)
Psycholoco has left Cult of the Doomed (~5 years ago)
Spyretron has left Cult of the Doomed (~5 years ago)
Falqao has left Cult of the Doomed (~5 years ago)
Raxar has left Cult of the Doomed (~5 years ago)
Palabro has left Cult of the Doomed (~5 years ago)