Last updated 9 years ago.

Kingdom of Paradise

achievements 1320

Level 25 Horde Guild, Frostmourne. 366 members

Qualar obtained Signet of Venoxis. 9 years ago
Rééper crafted item Truesteel Pauldrons. 9 years ago
Ulord obtained Crackle-Proof Chestguard. 9 years ago
Ulord obtained Pulverizing Grips. 9 years ago
Qualar obtained Vishanka, Jaws of the Earth. 9 years ago
Qualar obtained Maw of the Dragonlord. 9 years ago
Qualar obtained Molten Blood Footpads. 9 years ago
Qualar obtained Resolve of Undying. 9 years ago

Guild Master