Last updated 5 years ago.

Non Servian

achievements 2185

Level 25 Horde Guild, Frostwolf. 84 members

Lianea obtained Zem'lan Hacker. 5 years ago
Lianea obtained Seal of Dath'Remar. 5 years ago
Lianea obtained Honorbound Gladius. 5 years ago
Katon obtained Winking Eye of Love. 5 years ago
Tigin obtained Dreadmire Vest. 5 years ago
Tigin obtained Honorbound Vanguard's Handguards. 5 years ago
Pumå obtained Winking Eye of Love. 5 years ago
Pumathuya obtained Sweet Perfume Broach. 5 years ago
Tigin obtained Dazar'alor Polearm. 5 years ago
Tigin purchased item Commander's Signet of Battle. 5 years ago

Guild Master