Last updated 4 years ago.

The Haunted

achievements 2925

Level 25 Horde Guild, Genjuros. 950 members

Lioneye has joined The Haunted (~5 years ago)

Scárlet has been promoted from rank 7 to rank 4 (~5 years ago)

Crossword has been demoted from rank 3 to rank 7 (~5 years ago)

Furiousmind has joined The Haunted (~5 years ago)

Flogomanis has been demoted from rank 1 to rank 7 (~5 years ago)

Barbastathis has joined The Haunted (~6 years ago)

Patsala has left The Haunted (~6 years ago)

Kaywarrior has left The Haunted (~6 years ago)

Wannazerg has left The Haunted (~6 years ago)

Zakara has left The Haunted (~6 years ago)

Justbád has left The Haunted (~6 years ago)

Giangkoùlas has left The Haunted (~6 years ago)

Mamiaz has left The Haunted (~6 years ago)

Jinzák has left The Haunted (~6 years ago)

Stormblaze has left The Haunted (~6 years ago)

Hexør has left The Haunted (~6 years ago)

Yubbi has left The Haunted (~6 years ago)

Lashu has left The Haunted (~6 years ago)

Booran has left The Haunted (~6 years ago)

Mythically has left The Haunted (~6 years ago)

Mythiest has left The Haunted (~6 years ago)

Pats has left The Haunted (~6 years ago)

Teraviolence has left The Haunted (~6 years ago)

Caius has left The Haunted (~6 years ago)

Ashará has left The Haunted (~6 years ago)