Level 25 Alliance Guild, Grim Batol. 937 members
Dromati has joined The Great Bahamut (~7 years ago)
Amnchadh has joined The Great Bahamut (~7 years ago)
Bumel has joined The Great Bahamut (~7 years ago)
Tsunadept has joined The Great Bahamut (~7 years ago)
Reyees has joined The Great Bahamut (~7 years ago)
Whiteinblack has joined The Great Bahamut (~7 years ago)
Zandala has joined The Great Bahamut (~7 years ago)
Kommamin has joined The Great Bahamut (~7 years ago)
Deathgríp has joined The Great Bahamut (~7 years ago)
Kushnaa has joined The Great Bahamut (~7 years ago)
Micolus has joined The Great Bahamut (~7 years ago)
Spiniel has joined The Great Bahamut (~7 years ago)
Argsint has joined The Great Bahamut (~7 years ago)
Ilradal has joined The Great Bahamut (~7 years ago)
Babsan has joined The Great Bahamut (~7 years ago)
ßetray has joined The Great Bahamut (~7 years ago)
Argavarga has joined The Great Bahamut (~7 years ago)
Jim has joined The Great Bahamut (~7 years ago)
Azwraith has joined The Great Bahamut (~7 years ago)
Rêverud has joined The Great Bahamut (~7 years ago)
Mojisha has joined The Great Bahamut (~7 years ago)
Mbolicpower has joined The Great Bahamut (~7 years ago)
Sìcklyf has joined The Great Bahamut (~7 years ago)
Tyrâxtor has joined The Great Bahamut (~7 years ago)
Retrijoker has joined The Great Bahamut (~7 years ago)