Level 25 Alliance Guild, Khadgar. 556 members
Nemaga has left The Great Danes (~8 years ago)
Pendleburry has left The Great Danes (~8 years ago)
Adachi has left The Great Danes (~8 years ago)
Shiariz has left The Great Danes (~8 years ago)
Séphtís has left The Great Danes (~8 years ago)
Zatoc has left The Great Danes (~8 years ago)
Bjerre has left The Great Danes (~8 years ago)
Thistedq has left The Great Danes (~8 years ago)
Thistedlady has left The Great Danes (~8 years ago)
Thistedgti has left The Great Danes (~8 years ago)
Shinzhi has left The Great Danes (~8 years ago)
Thistedpigen has left The Great Danes (~8 years ago)
Tizhi has left The Great Danes (~8 years ago)
Thisted has left The Great Danes (~8 years ago)
Palaeye has left The Great Danes (~8 years ago)
Rangö has left The Great Danes (~8 years ago)
Kungpoow has left The Great Danes (~8 years ago)
Gaildis has joined The Great Danes (~8 years ago)
Seregruth has joined The Great Danes (~8 years ago)
Ancina has joined The Great Danes (~8 years ago)
Viperh has joined The Great Danes (~8 years ago)
Djengis has joined The Great Danes (~8 years ago)
Disaronnoo has joined The Great Danes (~8 years ago)
Deadwiiz has joined The Great Danes (~8 years ago)
Nias has joined The Great Danes (~8 years ago)