Last updated 6 years ago.


achievements 2225

Level 25 Horde Guild, Kul Tiras. 711 members

Kuzoo obtained Cosmos-Culling Legplates. 6 years ago
Ardee obtained Scythe of the Unmaker. 6 years ago
Ardee obtained Aggramar's Conviction. 6 years ago
Nanski obtained Golganneth's Vitality. 6 years ago
Grandsausage obtained Khaz'goroth's Courage. 6 years ago
Axave obtained Eonar's Compassion. 6 years ago
Nabocm obtained Dead Man's Tale. 6 years ago
Pôê obtained Kraken Hide Helm. 6 years ago
Sylv obtained Sandals of the Reborn Colossus. 6 years ago

Guild Master