Level 25 Horde Guild, Lightbringer. 508 members
Hampden has left The Angelic Hordes (~7 years ago)
Glate has left The Angelic Hordes (~7 years ago)
Fius has left The Angelic Hordes (~7 years ago)
Rekdor has left The Angelic Hordes (~7 years ago)
Explobeast has left The Angelic Hordes (~7 years ago)
Holyexplo has left The Angelic Hordes (~7 years ago)
Explototem has left The Angelic Hordes (~7 years ago)
Explobull has left The Angelic Hordes (~7 years ago)
Monkellya has left The Angelic Hordes (~7 years ago)
Deathexplo has left The Angelic Hordes (~7 years ago)
Esmerald has left The Angelic Hordes (~7 years ago)
Explodead has left The Angelic Hordes (~7 years ago)
Phantomexplo has left The Angelic Hordes (~7 years ago)
Balanceheal has left The Angelic Hordes (~7 years ago)
Fattylamas has left The Angelic Hordes (~7 years ago)
Seyma has left The Angelic Hordes (~7 years ago)
Gonneral has left The Angelic Hordes (~8 years ago)
Kutosza has left The Angelic Hordes (~8 years ago)
Snett has left The Angelic Hordes (~8 years ago)
Insanius has left The Angelic Hordes (~8 years ago)
Garkash has left The Angelic Hordes (~8 years ago)
Dudauer has left The Angelic Hordes (~8 years ago)
Mertih has left The Angelic Hordes (~8 years ago)
Huntmuzu has left The Angelic Hordes (~8 years ago)
Ancmustfall has left The Angelic Hordes (~8 years ago)