Level 25 Horde Guild, Mazrigos. 608 members
Crúsh has joined The Middle (~5 years ago)
Genor has joined The Middle (~5 years ago)
Bedtimestory has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 7 (~5 years ago)
Ayoze has joined The Middle (~5 years ago)
Juicy has joined The Middle (~5 years ago)
Memes has joined The Middle (~5 years ago)
Eononez has left The Middle (~5 years ago)
Anulo has left The Middle (~5 years ago)
Renorrah has left The Middle (~5 years ago)
Ouroboros has left The Middle (~5 years ago)
Gimgar has left The Middle (~5 years ago)
Ferlonar has left The Middle (~5 years ago)
Dreglan has left The Middle (~5 years ago)
Faulter has left The Middle (~5 years ago)
Reggrar has left The Middle (~5 years ago)
Avardus has joined The Middle (~6 years ago)
Croustys has joined The Middle (~6 years ago)
Drudh has joined The Middle (~6 years ago)
Layonhóoves has joined The Middle (~6 years ago)
Yogevv has joined The Middle (~6 years ago)
Psai has joined The Middle (~6 years ago)
Arched has joined The Middle (~6 years ago)
Methionine has joined The Middle (~6 years ago)
Løwkey has joined The Middle (~6 years ago)
Gyrstwar has joined The Middle (~6 years ago)