Last updated 9 years ago.

set sail for fail

achievements 2150

Level 25 Horde Guild, Nathrezim. 378 members

Beere obtained Moss-Woven Mailshirt. 9 years ago
Blastrenia obtained Belt of Bloody Guts. 9 years ago
Schai obtained Bracers of Spare Skin. 9 years ago
Ryvh obtained Entrail Squishers. 9 years ago
Ragor obtained Butcher's Bloody Cleaver. 9 years ago
Schai obtained Bracers of Spare Skin. 9 years ago
Schai obtained Scales of Doom. 9 years ago
Beere obtained Treads of Sand and Blood. 9 years ago
Nyzzeqt obtained Grunt's Solid Signet. 9 years ago

Guild Master