Last updated 6 years ago.

The Betrayer

achievements 960

Level 25 Horde Guild, Neptulon. 35 members

Abuse obtained The Dreamer. 9 years ago
Abuse obtained The Sleeper. 9 years ago
Abuse obtained Bladefang Hood of the Decimator. 9 years ago
Abuse obtained Bladefang Hood of the Decimator. 9 years ago
Nyanfatcat obtained Dispersing Belt. 9 years ago
Nyanfatcat obtained Glaciated Helm. 9 years ago
Nyanfatcat obtained Hydrolance Gloves. 9 years ago
Nyanfatcat obtained Arion's Crown. 9 years ago
Nyanfatcat obtained Terrastra's Legguards. 9 years ago
Abuse crafted item Stone of Fire. 9 years ago

Guild Master