Last updated 4 years ago.

The Gauntlet

achievements 2915

Level 25 Alliance Guild, Nordrassil. 962 members

Waterflow has joined The Gauntlet (~4 years ago)

Brightass has joined The Gauntlet (~4 years ago)

Reiken has joined The Gauntlet (~4 years ago)

Najla has joined The Gauntlet (~4 years ago)

Jackramsay has joined The Gauntlet (~4 years ago)

Feldark has joined The Gauntlet (~4 years ago)

Dents has joined The Gauntlet (~4 years ago)

Iskaral has joined The Gauntlet (~4 years ago)

Tyskii has joined The Gauntlet (~4 years ago)

Anicuses has joined The Gauntlet (~4 years ago)

Biohazard has joined The Gauntlet (~4 years ago)

Niggle has joined The Gauntlet (~4 years ago)

Geekflap has joined The Gauntlet (~4 years ago)

Geekops has joined The Gauntlet (~4 years ago)

RĂ³sie has joined The Gauntlet (~4 years ago)

Naughtee has joined The Gauntlet (~4 years ago)

Xcleon has left The Gauntlet (~4 years ago)

Mosinnagant has left The Gauntlet (~4 years ago)

RamanjA0A0CF has left The Gauntlet (~4 years ago)

Harsach has left The Gauntlet (~4 years ago)

Ballian has left The Gauntlet (~4 years ago)

Holysacrifi has left The Gauntlet (~4 years ago)

Klingosh has left The Gauntlet (~4 years ago)

Abigeil has left The Gauntlet (~4 years ago)

Heavenleigh has left The Gauntlet (~4 years ago)