Last updated 4 years ago.

The Gauntlet

achievements 2915

Level 25 Alliance Guild, Nordrassil. 962 members

Kagutchi obtained Treacherous Palms. 9 years ago
Quibus obtained Avool's Incendiary Shanker. 9 years ago
Quibus obtained Crystal Prison Band. 9 years ago
Rámpage obtained Cloak of Ruminant Deception. 9 years ago
Quibus obtained Chest of the Fiery Vanquisher. 9 years ago
Quibus obtained Clutch of the Firemother. 9 years ago
Quibus obtained Moltenfeather Leggings. 9 years ago
Quibus obtained Crystallized Firestone. 9 years ago
Quibus obtained Fireskin Gauntlets. 9 years ago

Guild Master