Last updated 9 years ago.

Hunkar Som Dunkar

achievements 680

Level 25 Horde Guild, Ragnaros. 796 members

Numinis obtained Mistral Circle. 9 years ago
Immôrtalîty earned the achievement Level 50 for 10 points. 9 years ago
Rompalito obtained Frostwolf Ringmail Belt. 9 years ago
Nimphea earned the achievement Level 60 for 10 points. 9 years ago
Bloodyhord earned the achievement Level 80 for 10 points. 9 years ago
Skipzmorph obtained Fresh-Face Hood. 9 years ago
Druidcsomag obtained Oskiira's Mercy. 9 years ago
Druidcsomag obtained Shadowbark's Shin. 9 years ago
Numinis crafted item Greater Steelforged Essence. 9 years ago
Eldros obtained Fel-Blackened Ring. 9 years ago

Guild Master