Last updated 4 years ago.


achievements 625

Level 25 Alliance Guild, Ravencrest. 362 members

Zelkêth obtained Saberguard's Greaves. 6 years ago
Zelkêth obtained Dusky Bands of Unification. 6 years ago
Dexter obtained Luminous Bladesworn Hauberk. 6 years ago
Dexter obtained Dusky Bands of Unification. 6 years ago
Zauran obtained Gloves of Synchronus Elements. 6 years ago
Yanami obtained Seacursed Wrap. 6 years ago
Yanami obtained Footpads of the Swift Balestra. 6 years ago
Ðarkheal obtained Manaburst Helm. 6 years ago
Ðarkheal obtained Cloudwing Hippogryph. 6 years ago

Guild Master