Last updated 7 years ago.

Familiar with Drama

achievements 1955

Level 25 Alliance Guild, Ravencrest. 338 members

Seradh obtained Breath of Dusk. 7 years ago
Bootyduty obtained Ring of Braided Stems. 7 years ago
Tabcutie obtained Mana-Cord of Deception. 7 years ago
Iryna earned the achievement Time Flies When You're Having Fun for 10 points. 7 years ago
Motozzì obtained Gloves of Second Sight. 7 years ago
Razorì obtained Astromancer's Greatcloak. 7 years ago
Jammerramz obtained Brooch of the Astral Scryer. 7 years ago
Bootyduty obtained Brooch of the Astral Scryer. 7 years ago
Veredis obtained Gloves of Second Sight. 7 years ago
Aspartaami earned the achievement The Prestige for 10 points. 7 years ago

Guild Master