Last updated 8 years ago.

Order of the North

achievements 1185

Level 25 Alliance Guild, Ravencrest. 391 members

Eddíé has joined Order of the North (~8 years ago)

Olindaa has joined Order of the North (~8 years ago)

Crýmore has joined Order of the North (~8 years ago)

Veladeros has joined Order of the North (~8 years ago)

Dampbárn has joined Order of the North (~8 years ago)

Sapphó has joined Order of the North (~8 years ago)

Warrnica has joined Order of the North (~8 years ago)

Aprillovesu has joined Order of the North (~8 years ago)

Doors has joined Order of the North (~8 years ago)

Deejayss has joined Order of the North (~8 years ago)

Nerfmyhealz has joined Order of the North (~8 years ago)

Sodeknetter has joined Order of the North (~8 years ago)

Skllmyhand has joined Order of the North (~8 years ago)

Lizarnius has joined Order of the North (~8 years ago)

Tranquílo has joined Order of the North (~8 years ago)

Rougeexe has joined Order of the North (~8 years ago)

Bellyjane has joined Order of the North (~8 years ago)

Kioox has joined Order of the North (~8 years ago)

Gotrék has joined Order of the North (~8 years ago)

Hindo has joined Order of the North (~8 years ago)

Silvertail has joined Order of the North (~8 years ago)

Shadowmyst has joined Order of the North (~8 years ago)

Locobow has joined Order of the North (~8 years ago)

Bluedèmon has joined Order of the North (~8 years ago)

Eythan has joined Order of the North (~8 years ago)