Level 25 Alliance Guild, Saurfang. 554 members
Weedstone has left The Golden Secret (~8 years ago)
Greekmigth has left The Golden Secret (~8 years ago)
Blackarroww has left The Golden Secret (~8 years ago)
Wightfighter has left The Golden Secret (~8 years ago)
Dudesta has left The Golden Secret (~8 years ago)
Blazingfrost has left The Golden Secret (~8 years ago)
Elfennlied has left The Golden Secret (~8 years ago)
Wolfkings has left The Golden Secret (~8 years ago)
Flagolas has left The Golden Secret (~8 years ago)
Zoers has left The Golden Secret (~8 years ago)
Hutersawsome has left The Golden Secret (~8 years ago)
Clovache has left The Golden Secret (~8 years ago)
Luckyto has left The Golden Secret (~8 years ago)
Shadowcurser has left The Golden Secret (~8 years ago)
Missmagic has left The Golden Secret (~8 years ago)
Stormtempest has left The Golden Secret (~8 years ago)
Murdersnail has left The Golden Secret (~8 years ago)
Legendkilla has left The Golden Secret (~8 years ago)
Blaxfire has left The Golden Secret (~8 years ago)
Wíntér has left The Golden Secret (~8 years ago)
Tylke has left The Golden Secret (~8 years ago)
Manheala has left The Golden Secret (~8 years ago)
Deathblood has left The Golden Secret (~8 years ago)
Atamweed has left The Golden Secret (~8 years ago)
Holyweeder has left The Golden Secret (~8 years ago)