Level 25 Alliance Guild, Saurfang. 554 members
Ronnie has joined The Golden Secret (~8 years ago)
Muggeline has joined The Golden Secret (~8 years ago)
Darkwhite has joined The Golden Secret (~8 years ago)
Xanalion has joined The Golden Secret (~8 years ago)
Foras has joined The Golden Secret (~8 years ago)
Mithranda has joined The Golden Secret (~8 years ago)
Mygor has joined The Golden Secret (~8 years ago)
Tolrion has joined The Golden Secret (~8 years ago)
Mikaél has joined The Golden Secret (~8 years ago)
Lunah has joined The Golden Secret (~8 years ago)
Nowone has joined The Golden Secret (~8 years ago)
Deemaan has joined The Golden Secret (~8 years ago)
Prêpared has joined The Golden Secret (~8 years ago)
Chan has joined The Golden Secret (~8 years ago)
Copydan has joined The Golden Secret (~8 years ago)
Abzun has joined The Golden Secret (~8 years ago)
Dirande has joined The Golden Secret (~8 years ago)
Prevail has joined The Golden Secret (~8 years ago)
Dehunter has joined The Golden Secret (~8 years ago)
Limisket has joined The Golden Secret (~8 years ago)
Lierit has joined The Golden Secret (~8 years ago)
Dahkarm has joined The Golden Secret (~8 years ago)
Bela has joined The Golden Secret (~8 years ago)
Aranteca has joined The Golden Secret (~8 years ago)
Victimised has joined The Golden Secret (~8 years ago)