Last updated 5 years ago.

Death and Glory

achievements 1575

Level 25 Alliance Guild, Silvermoon. 695 members

Narkarox has joined Death and Glory (~6 years ago)

Skets has joined Death and Glory (~6 years ago)

Chicaloca has joined Death and Glory (~6 years ago)

Nobõdy has joined Death and Glory (~6 years ago)

Kýbu has joined Death and Glory (~6 years ago)

Palojyn has joined Death and Glory (~6 years ago)

Posthaste has joined Death and Glory (~6 years ago)

Dopakias has joined Death and Glory (~6 years ago)

Chaoticcal has joined Death and Glory (~6 years ago)

Absolutego has joined Death and Glory (~6 years ago)

Drakensang has joined Death and Glory (~6 years ago)

Detaux has joined Death and Glory (~6 years ago)

Podence has joined Death and Glory (~6 years ago)

Killerloop has joined Death and Glory (~6 years ago)

Manipulatron has joined Death and Glory (~6 years ago)

Zureil has joined Death and Glory (~6 years ago)

Summersisle has joined Death and Glory (~6 years ago)

Quallyn has joined Death and Glory (~6 years ago)

Darkfllame has joined Death and Glory (~6 years ago)

Dãrgo has joined Death and Glory (~6 years ago)

Morrgothh has joined Death and Glory (~6 years ago)

Luxray has joined Death and Glory (~6 years ago)

Elprofessor has joined Death and Glory (~6 years ago)

Claawnfiesta has joined Death and Glory (~6 years ago)

Pepexeria has joined Death and Glory (~6 years ago)