Level 25 Alliance Guild, Silvermoon. 277 members
Andraxe has joined Judge (~6 years ago)
Pathik has joined Judge (~6 years ago)
Bananaphone has been demoted from rank 3 to rank 5 (~6 years ago)
Zunna has joined Judge (~6 years ago)
Xmos has joined Judge (~6 years ago)
Kote has joined Judge (~6 years ago)
Protossllock has joined Judge (~6 years ago)
Stabberella has been demoted from rank 3 to rank 5 (~6 years ago)
Bearnecesity has joined Judge (~6 years ago)
Protosslstab has joined Judge (~6 years ago)
Mystrical has joined Judge (~6 years ago)
Etui has left Judge (~6 years ago)
Ljian has left Judge (~6 years ago)
Élanori has left Judge (~6 years ago)
Grästrimmer has left Judge (~6 years ago)
Zázzy has left Judge (~6 years ago)
Alíqua has left Judge (~6 years ago)
Dìamond has left Judge (~6 years ago)
Døtcotton has left Judge (~6 years ago)
Grímscythé has left Judge (~6 years ago)
Rolannd has left Judge (~6 years ago)
Tawlyn has left Judge (~6 years ago)
Sebward has left Judge (~6 years ago)
Auditeq has left Judge (~6 years ago)
Liambutcher has left Judge (~6 years ago)