Level 25 Horde Guild, Silvermoon. 998 members
Lightstrof has joined Magisters of Silvermoon (~6 years ago)
Novura has joined Magisters of Silvermoon (~6 years ago)
Wrathdk has joined Magisters of Silvermoon (~6 years ago)
Ignatiuson has joined Magisters of Silvermoon (~6 years ago)
Cholkar has joined Magisters of Silvermoon (~6 years ago)
Kuolemawave has joined Magisters of Silvermoon (~6 years ago)
Kikha has joined Magisters of Silvermoon (~6 years ago)
Frajen has joined Magisters of Silvermoon (~6 years ago)
Gravdalgames has joined Magisters of Silvermoon (~6 years ago)
Stageiimonk has joined Magisters of Silvermoon (~6 years ago)
Gweekiee has joined Magisters of Silvermoon (~6 years ago)
Hunttaaz has joined Magisters of Silvermoon (~6 years ago)
Bolabola has joined Magisters of Silvermoon (~6 years ago)
Amitd has joined Magisters of Silvermoon (~6 years ago)
Draqqa has joined Magisters of Silvermoon (~6 years ago)
Makerofdeath has joined Magisters of Silvermoon (~6 years ago)
Jemmo has joined Magisters of Silvermoon (~6 years ago)
Alitialia has joined Magisters of Silvermoon (~6 years ago)
Ojishirohige has joined Magisters of Silvermoon (~6 years ago)
Pompertje has joined Magisters of Silvermoon (~6 years ago)
Lokiano has joined Magisters of Silvermoon (~6 years ago)
Missdivilinc has joined Magisters of Silvermoon (~6 years ago)
Dantioch has joined Magisters of Silvermoon (~6 years ago)
Thotoula has joined Magisters of Silvermoon (~6 years ago)
Ruffmenace has joined Magisters of Silvermoon (~6 years ago)