Last updated 5 years ago.

The Àrt of Warfare

achievements 2695

Level 25 Alliance Guild, Silvermoon. 420 members

Mazckoow obtained Seal of the Regal Loa. 5 years ago
Runeysia obtained Devilsaur Worshiper's Sandals. 5 years ago
Bigsley obtained Kaldorei Archer's Vambraces. 5 years ago
Demyrha obtained Stormcrash Chestguard. 5 years ago
Hinboa obtained Shalebiter Interlinked Chain. 5 years ago
Adapterino obtained Hadal's Nautilus. 5 years ago
Dreitty obtained Ancient Knot of Wisdom. 5 years ago
Dreite obtained Garments of the Forest Lord. 5 years ago
Rixalla obtained 7th Legionnaire's Longsword. 5 years ago

Guild Master