Level 25 Alliance Guild, Silvermoon. 304 members
Tumirr has left The Highborns (~7 years ago)
Tumidin has left The Highborns (~7 years ago)
Pantelejmon has left The Highborns (~7 years ago)
Pantemonium has left The Highborns (~7 years ago)
Shiney has left The Highborns (~7 years ago)
Silverqxim has left The Highborns (~7 years ago)
Venâris has left The Highborns (~7 years ago)
Tedswilly has left The Highborns (~7 years ago)
Teddiesbear has left The Highborns (~7 years ago)
Zolä has left The Highborns (~7 years ago)
Zteds has left The Highborns (~7 years ago)
Saze has left The Highborns (~7 years ago)
Âgni has left The Highborns (~7 years ago)
Wootly has left The Highborns (~7 years ago)
Dkstomper has left The Highborns (~7 years ago)
Demønlord has left The Highborns (~7 years ago)
Showboss has joined The Highborns (~8 years ago)
Bornesouls has left The Highborns (~8 years ago)
Beastmoded has left The Highborns (~8 years ago)
Nelai has left The Highborns (~8 years ago)
Veneron has left The Highborns (~8 years ago)
Nelari has left The Highborns (~8 years ago)
Neali has left The Highborns (~8 years ago)
Jibakushin has left The Highborns (~8 years ago)
Nilaei has left The Highborns (~8 years ago)