Level 25 Alliance Guild, Silvermoon. 449 members
Mivrelotb has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Paankas has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Hannumanman has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Spartaacus has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Véa has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Kalestial has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Nekrotios has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Aldrych has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Ilii has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Nepzor has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Fuschah has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Herrorof has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Novasis has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Adeyla has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Iffa has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Bellkross has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Coldea has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Vilauttaja has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Umbasa has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Haereleth has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Driveninsane has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Mýstiç has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Sledgehunter has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Pickletickle has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Hambi has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)