Level 25 Alliance Guild, Silvermoon. 449 members
Kiritus has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Hueu has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Crøw has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Yiraa has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Yuutö has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Elvename has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Northugjr has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Isília has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Zaufou has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Ciumenta has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Tàcobender has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Mcdavey has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Jumpyshroom has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Snusofmylife has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Totemilla has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Righteousman has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Vødka has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Arekon has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Tolay has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Bhango has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Bufol has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Ayran has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Alexner has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Palafraza has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)
Corane has joined Wings of Kae (~8 years ago)