Level 25 Alliance Guild, Sylvanas. 995 members
Manüel has been demoted from rank 5 to rank 8 (~5 years ago)
Rpatrice has joined ELEMENTS (~5 years ago)
Blítzkrieg has joined ELEMENTS (~5 years ago)
Exidion has been promoted from rank 9 to rank 7 (~5 years ago)
Treis has joined ELEMENTS (~5 years ago)
Kateryne has joined ELEMENTS (~5 years ago)
Narue has joined ELEMENTS (~5 years ago)
Bäby has joined ELEMENTS (~5 years ago)
Penthesilea has joined ELEMENTS (~5 years ago)
Lunaticul has joined ELEMENTS (~5 years ago)
Haisafugim has joined ELEMENTS (~5 years ago)
Oriale has joined ELEMENTS (~5 years ago)
Prehot has been demoted from rank 5 to rank 8 (~5 years ago)
Jubile has joined ELEMENTS (~5 years ago)
Duvall has joined ELEMENTS (~5 years ago)
Knoxvilleh has left ELEMENTS (~6 years ago)
Féfex has left ELEMENTS (~6 years ago)
Ipsetheone has left ELEMENTS (~6 years ago)
Lalea has left ELEMENTS (~6 years ago)
Ipseagain has left ELEMENTS (~6 years ago)
Shamanipse has left ELEMENTS (~6 years ago)
Ipseagaìn has left ELEMENTS (~6 years ago)
Marker has left ELEMENTS (~6 years ago)