Level 25 Horde Guild, Taerar. 940 members
Zhael has joined macht DRUCK (~6 years ago)
Blitztotem has joined macht DRUCK (~6 years ago)
Sevine has been demoted from rank 3 to rank 6 (~6 years ago)
Missdotalot has joined macht DRUCK (~6 years ago)
Codà has joined macht DRUCK (~6 years ago)
Schtewow has joined macht DRUCK (~6 years ago)
Chumchum has joined macht DRUCK (~6 years ago)
Undeathnia has joined macht DRUCK (~6 years ago)
Tryus has been demoted from rank 3 to rank 6 (~6 years ago)
Lasmirandâ has joined macht DRUCK (~6 years ago)
Lucian has joined macht DRUCK (~6 years ago)
Bartanus has joined macht DRUCK (~6 years ago)
Antrakt has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 6 (~6 years ago)
Haschkator has joined macht DRUCK (~6 years ago)
Ydral has joined macht DRUCK (~6 years ago)
Tif has joined macht DRUCK (~6 years ago)
Salitoz has joined macht DRUCK (~6 years ago)
Dudida has joined macht DRUCK (~6 years ago)
Uyu has joined macht DRUCK (~6 years ago)
Tanatine has joined macht DRUCK (~6 years ago)
Xhava has joined macht DRUCK (~6 years ago)
Cotix has joined macht DRUCK (~6 years ago)
Eligusus has joined macht DRUCK (~6 years ago)
Flameor has joined macht DRUCK (~6 years ago)
Dominance has joined macht DRUCK (~6 years ago)