Level 25 Horde Guild, The Maelstrom. 209 members
Conviqt has joined The Brigade (~6 years ago)
Mawnr has joined The Brigade (~6 years ago)
Ivk has joined The Brigade (~6 years ago)
Rapgodxz has joined The Brigade (~6 years ago)
Bromudo has joined The Brigade (~6 years ago)
Kleinlísh has left The Brigade (~6 years ago)
Keijpala has left The Brigade (~6 years ago)
Nozzbruh has left The Brigade (~6 years ago)
Sandreena has left The Brigade (~6 years ago)
Meko has left The Brigade (~6 years ago)
Keijera has left The Brigade (~6 years ago)
Randomnine has left The Brigade (~6 years ago)
Lestér has left The Brigade (~6 years ago)
Dexchief has left The Brigade (~6 years ago)
Agnodots has left The Brigade (~6 years ago)
Læggo has left The Brigade (~6 years ago)
Ekstrapixel has left The Brigade (~6 years ago)
Ocellots has left The Brigade (~6 years ago)
Klynelîsh has left The Brigade (~6 years ago)
Kleinlîsh has left The Brigade (~6 years ago)
Katruid has left The Brigade (~6 years ago)
Pyrothas has left The Brigade (~6 years ago)
Partly has left The Brigade (~6 years ago)
Damnlamb has left The Brigade (~6 years ago)
Lwhoce has left The Brigade (~6 years ago)