Level 25 Alliance Guild, Turalyon. 678 members
Dankmemes has been demoted from rank 8 to rank 9 (~7 years ago)
Duuduli has been demoted from rank 8 to rank 9 (~7 years ago)
Xenton has been demoted from rank 8 to rank 9 (~7 years ago)
Jacinda has been demoted from rank 8 to rank 9 (~7 years ago)
Midget has been demoted from rank 8 to rank 9 (~7 years ago)
Tytteli has been demoted from rank 8 to rank 9 (~7 years ago)
Rhyael has joined Blooded (~7 years ago)
Kernal has joined Blooded (~7 years ago)
Alejandrá has been demoted from rank 8 to rank 9 (~7 years ago)
Jitza has been demoted from rank 8 to rank 9 (~7 years ago)
Gwardian has been demoted from rank 8 to rank 9 (~7 years ago)
Pinjitsu has been demoted from rank 8 to rank 9 (~7 years ago)
Valanias has been demoted from rank 8 to rank 9 (~7 years ago)
Elforion has been demoted from rank 8 to rank 9 (~7 years ago)
Rilcana has been demoted from rank 8 to rank 9 (~7 years ago)
Akiru has been demoted from rank 8 to rank 9 (~7 years ago)
Humbra has been demoted from rank 8 to rank 9 (~7 years ago)
Nirco has been demoted from rank 8 to rank 9 (~7 years ago)
Rouisa has been demoted from rank 8 to rank 9 (~7 years ago)
Methuseloh has been demoted from rank 8 to rank 9 (~7 years ago)
Celinie has been demoted from rank 8 to rank 9 (~7 years ago)
Zember has been demoted from rank 8 to rank 9 (~7 years ago)
Tiro has been demoted from rank 4 to rank 7 (~7 years ago)
Silisa has been demoted from rank 8 to rank 9 (~7 years ago)
Ceylan has been demoted from rank 8 to rank 9 (~7 years ago)