Last updated 5 years ago.

House of Proudmoore

achievements 2745

Level 25 Alliance Guild, Turalyon. 889 members

Ditzyb has been demoted from rank 2 to rank 3 (~8 years ago)

Azirius has joined House of Proudmoore (~8 years ago)

Brunilde has been promoted from rank 7 to rank 6 (~8 years ago)

Epideme has been demoted from rank 2 to rank 3 (~8 years ago)

Linhong has been demoted from rank 2 to rank 3 (~8 years ago)

Salmina has been demoted from rank 2 to rank 3 (~8 years ago)

Stonegrim has joined House of Proudmoore (~8 years ago)

Luckéy has joined House of Proudmoore (~8 years ago)

Galingrey has left House of Proudmoore (~8 years ago)

Kedendacien has left House of Proudmoore (~8 years ago)

Edith has left House of Proudmoore (~8 years ago)

Littlefons has left House of Proudmoore (~8 years ago)

Xiaotou has left House of Proudmoore (~8 years ago)

Worlffman has left House of Proudmoore (~8 years ago)

Frostyeyes has left House of Proudmoore (~8 years ago)

Arfazer has left House of Proudmoore (~8 years ago)

Wavemaster has left House of Proudmoore (~8 years ago)

Omgaspider has left House of Proudmoore (~8 years ago)

Shadowman has left House of Proudmoore (~8 years ago)

Pinot has left House of Proudmoore (~8 years ago)

Amoona has left House of Proudmoore (~8 years ago)

Zanzeh has left House of Proudmoore (~8 years ago)

Rednaxa has left House of Proudmoore (~8 years ago)

Rednaxius has left House of Proudmoore (~8 years ago)

Wuilly has left House of Proudmoore (~9 years ago)