Last updated 7 years ago.

Maximum Effort

achievements 935

Level 25 Alliance Guild, Turalyon. 134 members

Valaine obtained Swordsinger's Shoulders. 7 years ago
Stumpylock obtained Echo of Eons. 7 years ago
Stumpylock obtained Astralite's Cord. 7 years ago
Stumpylock obtained Sunfrost Handwraps. 7 years ago
Stumpylock obtained Roggstone Signet. 7 years ago
Clomela obtained Rivermane Wraps. 7 years ago
Clomela obtained Mana-Saber Hide Gloves. 7 years ago
Stumpylock obtained Roggthread Bracers. 7 years ago
Liffi obtained Dusky Bands of Unification. 7 years ago

Guild Master